With a single picture, you can see how your network is connected. The diagram is automatically generated so you don't have to worry about updating it, but also flexible and interactive so you can move elements around and lock them in place, so you can have a static or dynamic view of the environment.
Now you can also do grouping and full Visio downloads.
The days of manually updating network diagrams are over.
TotalView's Dynamic Network Map shows a live look into utilization and availability in your environment.
Links and devices are checked every 5 seconds for status and usage so you'll have a very up-to-date picture of what's happening on your network.
If a link changes status or a device becomes unreachable, an alarm will sound so you know something happened. A glance at the map tells you exactly what occurred so you will never get caught having a user know about an outage before you do.
This is perfect for a NOC monitoring screen.
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