Total Network Visibility Blog

VoIP Visibility A Hot Topic At Enterprise Connect 2015

Written by Tim Titus | Apr 08, 2015

Are you struggling to understand what’s causing poor quality VoIP calls in your organization? If so, you’re not alone. On March 18, a crowd of 175 people sat in to listen to PathSolutions’ CTO Tim Titus discuss the issue during a presentation titled “Root-Cause VoIP Troubleshooting” at Enterprise Connect 2015, which took place in Orlando, Florida.

As Tim explained, at the heart of the issue is the fact that right now the VoIP market is flooded with call simulation products that simply confirm call quality issues without offering any explanation as to where and why errors are occurring.

“This type of product is the equivalent of a GPS device that lets end users know they are stuck in a traffic jam without offering any real reason as to why (i.e. a jackknifed tractor trailer at exit 6) or an alternative route around the area,” Tim said following the event.

Tim went on to show how ultimately, a VoIP communication system is only as strong as the network that is powering it. If the network isn’t working well, call quality issues are bound to arise. And when they do, you need to know how to fix them quickly. After all, time is of the essence when it comes to network troubleshooting solutions. Your IT team does not have all day to troubleshoot possible issues (often a labor- and time-intensive effort); rather, they need instant access to network information.

PathSolutions is changing the fundamental way that businesses approach VoIP call quality issues. That’s because its network troubleshooting solution, TotalView, is more than just a call simulator. Instead, it serves as a complete end-to-end network troubleshooting solution that depicts exactly how a network is functioning in real-time, as well as historically. The solution can pinpoint the exact location of an error and provide plain English instructions on how to remedy the problem.

For this reason, PathSolutions made quite a splash at Enterprise Connect. In fact, while at the show, the company released two major partnership announcements during the conference:

  • Impact Technologies: By partnering with this world class provider of voice and data communications solutions, PathSolutions will enable its telecom customers to have a much easier time gaining visibility into VoIP network utilization and performance. This unique partnership will combine Impact’s advanced VoIP metrics with PathSolutions’ network forensics capabilities in order to provide a next generation approach to enterprise VoIP visibility.

  • Phybridge: PathSolutions announced that it will provide Phybridge, providers of coaxial VoIP solutions, with a network monitoring component to support the company’s infrastructure as a service offering. With the new partnership, Phybridge will be able to offer a combined network monitoring and connectivity service directly to enterprise customers.

Tim also had the pleasure of taking part in a second panel titled “Tools and Trends for Troubleshooting UC Performance,” where each panelist was able to hone in on their views about solving network problems. He was able to showcase how PathSolutions is the only company that offers root-cause network forensics as a solution.